Sunday 24 July 2011

The eye of the storm

"He's been with her for the longest time, but they're both complicated. It didn't work out." He then slipped his arm around me. I hesitated, pushed him away gently, and asked: "Do you like her? Should you have gone out with her instead?" His eyes narrowed.... "No," he said. I pulled the toilet seat down, sat, and looked at him in the eye.

After what seemed to be the longest time, he leaned over, and kissed me. I kissed him back.

© S Christmas. Photo: Christmas & Holmes. Paris

Friday 18 December 2009

I am not Shahrazad

"I don't know what on earth I am going to do when you go," he said, casting his eyes away. He looked through the window, and stared at nothing in particular. She studied his face. His eyes, big, hazel, began to moist. He blinked. "I'm too comfortable with you," he sighed, still not looking at her.

She peeled herself off the sofa and stood up. He looked at her, anticipating an answer. But she was not going to fight this one out. There would be no more rounds, no rematch. It really was over.

© S Christmas. Photo: Christmas & Holmes.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Wuthering Heights

They stopped at the entrance of the tube station. He looked inside. "I'll see you around," he said, turning back to face her, his face turning into a mask. This was it then. She reached up and hugged him, like a friend would. They stepped back awkwardly. A beat passed. "Look after her," she said, unsure why she chose to say that. That, somehow, undid the mask. He swiftly gathered her into her arms, and sighed. He could not, must not, weep. His heart was in disarray, but his mind was made up.

They stayed locked in that embrace for what felt like eternity. She swore she could hear hearts breaking, like icebergs crumbling, crashing away, so sudden, after a long thaw.

© S Christmas. Photo: Christmas & Holmes.

The reader

The ball that he throws while playing in the park has not yet reached the ground.

3 September 2008

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Oh lovestruck, I've fallen for a lamp post

"Why don't you photograph me on the lamp post?" She said. She marched to the said post, arms swinging like Popeye, and leapt onto it. She then flashed a grin. She resembled a tree-dwelling primate. I felt silly and looked around, embarrassed by the attention from onlookers. "Live a little, it's only a post," she quipped, and then leapt down and landed with a squat. Oh heck. I climbed up, giggling.

Monday 24 August 2009


Sometimes he appears in my dream. Always smiling, but never saying a word. Is he now a ghost, or an angel?

I don't mind.

West Brompton Cemetery. 14 August 2005

Sunday 23 August 2009


The sun retreats. And the other beings emerge.

22 August 2009. Photos by Salina Christmas & Zarina Holmes